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HOME The minister Andre Trocme and his wife Magda lived in southern France during World War two. Andre was a pacifist who preached against the war and above all against the anti-Semitism. The two began to harbor Jews after one night in 1940 when a…

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HOME  One famous and amazing story of heroism which occurred during the horrible days of Nazi oppression and genocide involved Miep Gies.  Miep Gies insists that she is not a hero, but this story suggests otherwise.[1]  An innocent girl and her…

HOME Oskar Schindler’s Story             Perhaps one of the most famous stories of someone providing sanctuary to Jewish people from Nazi Germany is that of Oskar Schindler. Many have come to know Schindler’s story thanks to the 1993 film Schindler’s…

HOME   Although a relatively small number compared to the deaths during the holocaust, more than twelve thousand unaccompanied children from central Europe took refuge in Great Britain or the United States between the years of 1934 and 1945. Great…

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HOME                 Scandinavia during the Second World War was an example of almost every side someone could take during the war.  Denmark and Norway were both occupied by Germany and in Norway’s case had a functioning government in exile in…

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  HOME    The Story of Jack Van Der Geest  The story of Jacobus Van Der Geest is truly a spectacular one. Jack was born in September 1923 and was raised in The Hague in Netherlands, and as a young boy he became a member of the Dutch resistance with…
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